Tips on Preparing your Home for Market

It does not have to be a daunting task to ensure your home is in the best possible condition to list. Try some of these tips and you will quickly notice how small changes can have a big impact to the eyes of a potential buyer.

  • Curb Appeal  –  If you want to draw people to the inside, you have to make sure the outside looks worthy of taking a better look. A little effort into simple yard work can go a long way. Trim shrubs, edge the yard where it meets driveways, curbs and sidewalks. Mow and weed eat the entire property surrounding the home. Clean up any clutter that can take away from the focus of the house. A well kept yard is a good indicator of a well kept home.
  • Lighting  –  You may not even think something as simple as light bulbs can change an entire room but it truly can. Swap out old incandescent bulbs to some updated LED bulbs. LED lighting is so much more energy efficient of an option especially with their ability to prevent the build-up of heat that usually surrounds older bulbs. Plus, who wouldn’t want to take a selfie in the crisp, bright light of an LED bulb.
  • Hardware  –  There is something almost magical about the way new cabinet hardware completely transforms a kitchen or bathroom. All that you will need is a screwdriver or drill to make such a huge improvement. Out with the old and in with the new! This is one area you should pay special attention to. Squared options provide a very modern, sleek look to really give a big, yet minor upgrade.
  • To Repair or Not to Repair  –  This can get tricky depending on what your budget allows but for now we will focus on what is noticeable that you can likely do yourself. A leaky faucet can simply be an indicator of a gasket or washer that just needs to be replaced. Sure, you lived with it and it did not bother you but a potential buyer may not be so forgiving of it. Holes in walls can be easily repaired with some joint compound and a putty knife. Paintable caulking can go a long way to fill in unsightly nail holes in trim or walls as well as really clean up the look of door trim. Speaking of doors, make sure you tighten up any wobbly knobs and give those squeaky hinges a little bit of lubrication oil or spray.
  • Clean  –  Remember the “well kept home” comment above? Gather your bucket and cleaning supplies and crank up the music…it’s time to CLEAN!! Pay special attention to window sills and baseboards where dust tends to gather and settle. A good vacuum and mopping of all floors to really give that spic and span feel. Wipe down windows inside and out, everyone is going to look out a window at some point. Make sure their view is crystal clear. We all know how many hands of household members and guests have touched doors. Give them a good wipe down. Lastly and most importantly, straighten up cabinets, drawers (Yes, even the junk drawer!) and linen closets, as we all know, these will be opened and looked in too.

Now you are better prepared for listing than you were before. This is an exciting time. Patience is key! There are DIY videos plentiful on the internet. Do your research. If we can help advise you on anything, please come see us!